Friday, February 16, 2007


...for the next three weeks since I'll be out of the country. I'm too tired from running between travel agent and work and bank and home to actually be legible or sensible in trying to explain why I'm leaving so suddenly.

Just know that I've not decided to join the travelling circus (although it sounds exciting and I might just be interested), neither am I on the country's most wanted list (last time I checked), nor am I on a covert mission, secretly training to be a Kamikaze pilot for Uzbekistan.

But I leave tonight and I still need to pack.

See you soon.


IR said...

is it a holiday,if so,enjoy !

though you sound as if u were on a covert mission !

Gorilla Bananas said...

Why aren't you joining the travelling circus? I spent half my life in a circus and it taught me most of what I know about humans. If your limbs are supple and your butt is firm, you should go for it.

ALRO said...

Travel safely, huN!

Spider42 said...

sounds like fun...
hope its a holiday. anything else -you have my sympathies...

i'll have another one said...

You're pobably on your way back soo hope its been fun...much intrigued about all the secrecy that clouds your trip..hopefully, it'll translate into a post soon no?

Geek Goddess said...

Thanks for the comments guys, I was too far from civilisation to be able to connect to the rest of the world via the www. Actually no, thats a lie. My grandma didnt have net access (the shock!) and I honestly couldn't be bothered to blog from my uncle's place because I was too busy pigging out on great food and going shopping.

Gorilla bananas... err, what if my butt is supple and my limbs firm? Ya think they'd accept an application?