Monday, September 11, 2006

History of Me.

Well not really. But since beginnings tend to be a little awkward (and I really don't know how to start this off), I'll tell you a bit about who I am and where I come from. I live in a coastal East African city - yes that's right, miles and miles of white sandy beaches and coconut trees and long, hot, sunny days... spent confined in a tiny little airconditioned office.

I'm quarter-Indian, quarter-Pakistani and quarter-exotic-African-Island*. Okay i know that only makes three-fourths, but I never said I was a math genius. My dad, born in said exotic-African-island, of Indian immigrant parents who had set out to East Africa in a dhow from India in hopes of fame and fortunes. Well, fortunes really. They were never really the publicity crazy type.

My mother of Indian-Pakistani origin met my dad at a wedding, they smiled at each other across a crowded room and thus I was born. Not immediately ofcourse. After a wedding and a decent interval. And another baby.

And this blog is born to tell my story. Also because everyone is entitled to my opinions.

*Names and places have been kept confidential to protect the identity of this writer. 'Cause who knows what I might want to blab in future. [Just because you aren't paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.]


Framboise said...

OMG!! I read your posts and I love the way you write :) Well I don't mean to sound queer or anything, but we have a lot in common... I, too, am a chick in my 20's looking for Mr.Right and attracting Mr. Utter Wrongs like ants to strawberry jam jars... and I do take it you were born in November... same as me! You must be a Scorpio! although you can be a Libra but I doubt judging by what you wrote. Well couldn't resist saying hi! And if by any chance you log into my blog... I'm going through a bad phase right now, so don't be too hard on me. I promise I'm way nice than that ;) ha! Bye bye

Geek Goddess said...

Not queer at all :) I'm flattered, you totally made my day. And I'm scorpio, 'though how you can tell by my writing is beyond me! Thanks again! I'm just checking your blog out right now.